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Schools Offering Interior Design Programs near Fayetteville AR

How to Select the Best Interior Designer College

Once you have decided to enroll in an interior design school near Fayetteville AR, it's time to start the process of picking a school. Even if you have always had a talent for designing residential or commercial interiors, it's important that you obtain the right training to put your skills to work. And since several states do mandate that interior designers be licensed, depending on your state of residence you may need training to pass a licensing exam as well. So it's vital that you carry out the proper research in order to assess and compare each college that you are considering prior to making your final decision. But where do you start? Many future students will kick off their research by searching for interior design schools near their residence and then comparing tuition costs. While location and cost are important issues when making a determination, they should not be the only ones. Qualifiers such as reputation and accreditation need to be considered as well. We will address those topics and other vital questions that you must ask the interior design schools you are researching later in this article. But before we do, let's talk a little bit more about what interior design is and what degree and training choices are available.

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Interior Design compared to Interior Decoration

interior designed living room in Fayetteville AR

Often people confuse interior design for interior decoration. The main distinction between the two is the amount of training required. Any person can do business as an interior decorator if they possess a basic knowledge of or a talent for decorating interior areas. On the other hand, conducting business as an interior designer necessitates a formal education and in numerous states one must have an accredited Associate or Bachelor's Degree and be licensed. Interior designers are trained to make work or residential areas functional as well as attractive. On various projects they may collaborate with building engineers and architects. There are 2 general areas that an interior designer in Fayetteville AR may specialize in:

  • Residential Designing. Interior Designers frequently work on new construction and existing homes. They can design essentially any room of the home, including bedrooms, basements and closets. Or they can specialize in designing one specific room, for instance bathrooms or kitchens.
  • Commercial Design. When dealing with public or commercial spaces, designers normally focus primarily on either aesthetic appeal or functionality but take notice of both. For instance, business meeting rooms and reception areas are spaces where aesthetics may be stressed over function. Designs for hospitals and banks may concentrate more on functionality over appearance as the main consideration.

There are various areas of residential and commercial interior design that a designer needs to learn, such as color schemes, lighting, acoustics and furniture. Designers must be able to use graphic design and read blue prints in order to produce their visions. From choosing wall paper and carpeting to including Feng shui concepts, Fayetteville Arkansas interior designers utilize a wide variety of skills that contribute to their ultimate designs.

Interior Design Degrees

There are four degree alternatives offered in interior design to receive the training required to start your new profession in Fayetteville AR. Your selection will no doubt be driven by your career objectives as well as the money and time that you have budgeted to commit to your education. But regardless of which degree program you decide to enroll in, be sure to choose one that is accredited. Accreditation is required in order to qualify for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam mandated in some states. More will be addressed on additional accreditation benefits later. Below are short descriptions of the interior design degrees that are offered.

  • Associate Degree. Associate degrees in interior design provide the minimum amount of training needed to enter the profession. They take approximately 2 years to complete and programs are available at many Arkansas community colleges and vocational schools. Graduates can normally obtain entry level positions as design assistants.
  • Bachelor's Degree. Bachelor's degrees are 4 year programs that supply more comprehensive training than the Associate Degree. They deal with the creative and technical components of the business required to become a designer. They are the minimum credential needed by a graduating student in order to obtain an entry level position as an interior designer.
  • Master's Degree. These 2 year programs provide advanced design training after achieving the Bachelor's Degree. Master's Degrees provide choices in specialized majors for such things as residential bathrooms or business offices. A number of students enroll to advance their skills to be more competitive in their careers.
  • Doctorate Degree. Doctoral degrees are mostly for those professionals who wish to teach interior design at a college or university level. The degree programs differ in length but are typically completed in 3 to 5 years.

In order to work as a professional and use the title of "Interior Designer", many states mandate that graduates of accredited colleges become licensed. In some instances, 2 or more years of field experience may be needed before a candidate can sit for the licensing exam.

Why Train to Become an Interior Designer?

Fayetteville AR student attending interior design school onlineThere are many options available to you once you graduate and enter the field of interior design.  If you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit you may become self-employed and open your own interior design shop. You might also work for a small or larger design firm. Designers have careers creating interiors for businesses, hospitals, government buildings, as well as private residences. Rarely is a design career a 9 to 5 job. You’ll need to be flexible, patient, and persistent to get your career off the ground. But you will have the opportunity to earn an attractive income as well as the personal satisfaction of creating beautiful living and working spaces.

Questions to Ask Interior Design Colleges

Once you have selected the interior designer degree that you want to earn, you can begin the process of analyzing your school options. Location will be an important factor, particularly if the college has to be within commuting distance from your Fayetteville AR residence. Of course if you are interested in attending a school online, or are willing to relocate to attend classes, then location might not be a qualifier. The expense for tuition will limit your choices also. But choosing the most affordable college or the one that is nearest to your residence are not the ideal ways to make your selection. There are other factors that you need to look at as well, such as the accreditation and reputation of the college. Following are a list of questions that you may want to ask the schools you are reviewing to get those answers in addition to others to help you examine and subsequently pick the ideal degree program.

Is the Interior Design Degree Program Accredited? It's important to make sure that the interior design school and program that you select has been accredited by either a regional or national agency. One of the most respected in the industry is the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). Schools receiving accreditation from the NASAD have undergone a demanding assessment of their programs and teachers. Just verify that both the degree program and the college have been accredited by a U.S. Department of Education acknowledged accrediting agency. Not only will it help verify that the reputation of the school and the quality of the education are excellent, it might also help when applying for financial assistance or a student loan. Often they are not available for non-accredited schools. Also, many Fayetteville Arkansas employers will only employ graduates of accredited programs for entry level jobs.

Does the College Prepare you for Licensing? As we mentioned earlier, several States do require that interior designers become licensed. This would require a passing score on the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) exam in addition to a degree from an accredited college. And in several of those States mandating licensing, 2 or more years of occupational experience may be required also. Therefore besides furnishing an exceptional education, the Fayetteville AR school you choose should also provide the proper instruction to pass the NCIDQ exam and satisfy the minimum licensing requirements for Arkansas or the State where you will be working.

What is the College's Job Placement Rate? Once you have graduated and obtained your interior designer certification, you will no doubt want some help in finding your first position. Ask the programs that you are considering if they have a job assistance program. If so, find out what their job placement rates are. A high rate is an excellent indication that the college and its programs are held in high regard within the interior design profession and its students are in demand. It may also signify that the school has a sizable network of Fayetteville AR business contacts where they can refer students to obtain internships or jobs after graduation.

Is Financial Assistance Offered? Get in touch with the financial aid departments for the Fayetteville AR colleges you are looking at and find out what type of assistance they offer. Many of interior designer colleges offer financial assistance to their new students. Certain schools offer partial scholarships and others provide assistance in securing federal student loans or grants. It must be stressed again that selecting an accredited program is essential for qualification in most cases. In some cases a college that has a higher tuition may actually be less expensive than its counterparts because they provide more generous financial aid.

How Small are the Classes? Small classes are more intimate and conducive to personalized instruction. If classes are large, you may receive minimal individual attention from the teachers. Find out from the Fayetteville AR colleges you are considering what their average teacher to student ratios are. If convenient from your Fayetteville home, go to the campus and sit in on a couple of classes. Take the opportunity to talk with a few students and find out what their experiences have been. Ask the instructors what their teaching styles are and what their experiences have been in interior design.

Are Classes Accessible that Fit your Schedule? Finally, verify that the interior design school you choose provides classes the fit your busy schedule. This is especially significant if you will continue working while going to college. If you can only attend classes at night or on weekends near Fayetteville AR, verify that those classes are offered. If working full-time means you can only attend part-time, check that is an option as well. Finally, ask what the procedure is for making up classes missed because of work, family or illness.

Choose the Right Interior Design School near Fayetteville Arkansas

interior designed kitchen in Fayetteville ArkansasSelecting the ideal interior design college is an important first step toward starting your career in this creative and rewarding profession. Finding a college where you will obtain your education and develop your talents in a particular area of study is a difficult job no matter what major you have decided on. As with any undertaking to attain a higher education, there are many factors to think about before enrolling in a course, program or school. At a minimum, confirm that the program and design school are both accredited and highly esteemed in the business. But it is still imperative that you complete your due diligence research. By doing so and following the balance of the recommendations provided in this article, you will be able to effectively assess and compare interior design schools so that you can make the right final selection. And with quality training and your desire to succeed, you can achieve your goal of becoming an interior designer in Fayetteville Arkansas.